Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cravings ...

My work in the feijoa orchard just ended yesterday. I picked for half a day and the boss was so nice to pay me full day. On top of that, a fellow picker and I were served lunch and the boss provided written reference for our next fruit picking job. Though the feijoa season is now over, the goods news is kiwi season is starting full swing. Orchard owners are frantically looking for backpackers to save their kiwis.

On a more distressing note, a Maori guy has just check-in into my dorm and he snores so loudly that it wakes me up several times during the night. He's attending business course in a school nearby and will be here for quite a long time ... aiyaaa, die-lah like this.

Weather is getting colder by the day and I miss having my daily dose of 'cili padi' . Can't find 'mee goreng' here but managed to substitute with my own creation of 'spaghetti goreng' with lots of tabasco sauce.

Pictures: The Rainbow Warrior Memorial & hill top view from the memorial.



Andre said...

want to snail mail you some cili padi?

miss nasi lemak? teh tarik?

VIENTO said...

Seems like the local supermarkets do have cili but not everyday. I sort of substitute my cravings for cili with the Korean hot & spicy instant noodles, hehehe ...

Surprisingly I didn't miss nasi lemak or roti canai as much as I thought I would.